Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Give me a hand

Searching for images on shutterstock is not as easy as it looks. While doing a article on comforting mourners we needed to get an image of hands. Most of the images on Shutterstock are of adult hands with children, or adult hands clasping the hands of the elderly. So we took some pictures in-house and got some nice results. More than anything, I hope that the article was important that it will help others be able to do this Mitzvah Mehadrim Min'Hamadrin.

Thank you for all those who made this possible

photoshop barn burner

Another happy day in Mishpacha Land. With the coming of FF 300 published, came a great photoshop montage. Certainly a difficult task made easy with some strong photoshop skills made this layout a true winner. Critics may have there say and think that this looked too old. I do hear that argument ,there is a certain vintage tinge to the layout, but I think it works with this article. You can almost smell the mothballs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

seeing the great in others

Question, could you start a new blog during the 9 days? Before you think that this is another bad 9 day joke, think. The idea of the blog is to bring people together of different backgrounds, opinions, and tastes. Once we are cognizant of our different talents we can compliment each other. We were given gifts, then others are given gifts, different, but beautiful gifts. Build ourselves, build our neighbour, build the Beis HaMikdash.

In this new site you are able to send comments, test it, let me know if it works. Click on the (no) commment bar at the bottom of the post, it should work

Sunday, July 15, 2012


A special hats off to the design team on FF 299. Three different features each approached with a unique handling and equal effective graphics. Each layout had mucho merit and stood as a good example of pushing design styles.

The holocaust piece was special because it took an otherwise impossible concept and turned it into something magical. You try making a turnip look threatening! 

The autism,  a creative way to approach a collage and tie it into a concept. Thank you Rabbi Galinsky for letting us use the picture, no fake ID here, but it always helps to get the blessing of the Rabbi...

The foraging was done on a white background which gave the overall magazine much balence, much contrast, between the other pieces. Also the different sized teasers (pull quotes) were also a very nice creative flair.
Overall this was the strongest 3 features done to date, a true trifecta!!!
BTW, PT Sans will return, coming soon!