Monday, July 1, 2013

FF First Cover

Raw Foods. Not such a topic that might temp the tummys of the average FF or Mag reader. Chasidish women in Williamsburg. Again, not the mecca of trend setting locals. However, blend them together it makes for a very fasinating subject on Raw foods that has changed the lives of many in a community very steeped in their kishka and chicken liver. 

So I had this idea. Since its about changing the face of Williamsburg, from old to new. Capture this idea from a product point of you. Since the only whisky I drink is Old Williamsburg I am familiar with the bottle. So the idea was to change something to reflect the idea of changing something from the old to the new. So I took the photos which resulted in the pic on the right. Needed to photoshop (left) it a bit and it became the cover. 

I had many design issues with this cover. I hope some message was carried across to the viewer. What was your feeling?

Thanks to Cellar 18 of RBS for the bottle (hic)