Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pray for the Victims of Sandy

I think hurricane Sandy not only effected those in the States, I feel like I have be effected as well. Swept up in an under current of news stories and personal tales I have been very involved. My heart goes out to the real victims. Now most people are getting back to normal, I need to get back as well. Need to get back into it, need to finish the illustrations. I have Part 2 of Rabbi Yeshoua Ben Lavi almost done with a side bar on vows and what is a valid vow and what isn't. Well, if you dont like that, the story is great anyway. I hope to be done at the end of the week. Pray for me

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sol Linero illustrator

Take a look at the last post. Now take a look at this illustrator site and style. Could this style work for Info-graphics  If so, why? Or why not?

but even if u don't have an opinion, you'll love these illustrations.

Let the graphics hit 'em

Happy to see that Mishpacha Magazine is making the strong move towards more Infographics. With the demise of Good Magazine, a former leader in offering infographics, Mishpacha is picking up the slack and offering more informational eye-candy. Two great examples of this, power outage article and one other in the election supplement. I know this is just a sampling of what we are going to see in the future. For those that want to expand there minds a bit further see what my friends at are producing daily.

Creative Direction: Menachem Weinreb
Graphic Design: Simi Feld

Monday, November 5, 2012

How I'm supposed to feel?

Included in this post, a cover from the New Yorker. Interesting  like all New Yorker covers. However, is it on target for the feelings of the people of America? The people of New York?. Maybe, I don't  know. I guess if it has to be explained I just missed the point. What I do know is that late on Sunday I received one of the best titles for a cover that matched the picture. No, the story about the hurricane is not new, we are not exposing a new story. We are all too aware of many details of this event found on the Internet , print and stories told by family and friends. What is often hard to formulate is the overall impact of such an event. How are we supposed to feel? I'm not telling you how to feel, I'm just telling you to look at the magazine cover. Take it from there